⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Merging the biggest names of London’s West End with some of the most energetic young talent that Glasgow has to offer, Movies to Musicals is a joyful celebration of the genre that is bound …
West End
Review: Rab Hood and the Sheriff of Shettleston, Òran Mór Glasgow
There’s no hold barred on this 60 minute whirlwind of belly laughs, political barbs and profanity.
Review: Goldilocks Goes to Greece, Oran Mòr Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The summer might have arrived in the West End but as the temperature rises in Glasgow, Goldie and her maw are off to Greece for their holidays. But Goldie is pursued through those departure …
Review: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave all preconceptions of previous existences of this show at the door. This production of the musical inspired by the Book of Genesis is a hit of Biblical proportions that elevates the show to …
West End performers set to bring the Pitlochry hills alive with the sound of musicals
West End musical performers including Keith Jack, Blythe Jandoo and Kit Orton, are set to bring the Pitlochry hills alive with the sounds of some of the greatest ever musicals when they perform at Pitlochry Festival Theatre in …
Opinion: Ticket price debate needs to hear from regional audiences
Recent weeks have seen the restart of a conversation about the affordability of the culture sector while household budgets are tightened. The debate came to a head last month when tickets for hit West End …
News: Edinburgh hosts new tour of award-winning Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical
A new production of the West End and Broadway smash hit Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – The Musical will embark on a UK and Ireland tour, playing at the Edinburgh Playhouse from …
Coronavirus Update: ATG confirms extension of UK venue closure until 2 August
STATEMENT FROM ATG TICKETS: UPDATE – 3 June 2020, 12:30 Due to COVID-19, we are sorry to confirm that all performances at Ambassador Theatre Group venues across the UK have been suspended until Sunday 2 August. …
Interview: Cassidy Janson
Cassidy Janson is about to take part in a new project that will see her perform a 45-minute set to a paying audience – all from the comfort of her living room.
Review: Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Few musicals adapted from real-life events are able to truly capture the emotions of real life; the euphoric highs and gut-punching lows. Everybody’s Talking About Jamie tells the heartwarming story of an outgoing young …