⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ There’s no such thing as an old joke, just one you’ve heard before. But the old ones are the best – and at the Pavilion Theatre, two Chinas have been brought back to life …
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Queen Extravaganza comes to Scotland
Queen Extravaganza, the official Queen tribute band produced by Roger Taylor and Brian May, will return to the UK in 2021 following their sell-out shows across the globe. Queen Extravaganza will be launching their exciting …
Review: Songs for Nobodies, Ambassadors Theatre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It’s rare for a West End stage to host a bill of stars quite as distinguished as the line-up ‘appearing’ in Songs for Nobodies. The show itself was constructed by Joanna Murray-Smith, a self-confessed …