⭐️⭐️⭐️ Throw out any preconceived ideas about Don Quixote for this Dundee Rep production, in conjunction with Perth Theatre, breaks the mould in many ways in an entertaining retelling of a centuries-old classic. The premise …
Review: Bold Girls, Cumbernauld Theatre at Lanternhouse
⭐️⭐️⭐️ More than three decades after its premiere, Rona Munro’s Bold Girls returns to its roots at Cumbernauld Theatre. Following Marie, her best pal Cassie and Cassie’s mum Nora, Bold Girls tells of how these …
Review: Beautiful, King’s Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ She penned some of the most iconic songs of the 60s and 70s – but her personal rise to stardom was far from a fairytale. In this revival of XX’s Beautiful, the story of …
Editor’s Pick of the Fringe 2022
Braw Theatre editor Fraser MacDonald outlines his top picks of this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe The Edinburgh Festival is nearly upon us – and that means the Fringe is about to kick off too! With …
News: OCD Me at Edinburgh Fringe
Sure, we all get a bit stressed sometimes. We all feel a bit isolated, ashamed, and terrified; convinced that the minutest of our actions may somehow have catastrophic effects on our loved ones… or is …
Review: Catch Me If You Can, Theatre Royal Glasgow
⭐️ Despite a star cast, Catch Me If You Can is a slow burning, half-baked thriller that fails to captivate. Deep in the Catskill mountains, Danny Corban (Patrick Duffy) is frustrated at the local police …
News: Full cast announced for Rock of Ages UK Tour
The Edinburgh Playhouse and producers of ROCK OF AGES are thrilled to announce full casting for its UK & Ireland tour, including the return of Coronation Street star KEVIN KENNEDY as ‘Dennis Dupree’, a role he previously played to …
Review: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, King’s Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It’s now ten years since the National Theatre staged Mark Haddon’s Curious Incident. This latest tour breathes new life into this essential play, opening its audience to a world that few of us can …
Review: Allan Stewart’s Big, Bug Variety Show, King’s Theatre Edinburgh
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In a fitting tribute to the Old Lady of Leven Street before her curtain falls for the final time pre-refurb, Allan Stewart gives the theatre a huge hug with an evening of song and …
Interview: Allan Stewart
Ahead of his Opening Night of the Big, Big Variety Show at Edinburgh’s King’s Theatre, comedian and entertainer Allan Stewart spoken to us about surviving lockdown, poolside sketches with Roses King and returning to the …