⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A fever dream of cultural references, spunky original songs and dangerously funny gags, Peter Panto and the Incredible Stinkerbell is a gold-plated pantotastic love letter to Glasgow primed to entertain this Christmas. Johnny McKnight …
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Star Penders
Award Winning Tron Panto Returns in 2024 with Peter Panto and the Incredible Stinkerbell
After winning the UK Pantomime Award for Best Pantomime (under 500 seats) for Aganeza Scrooge, Tron Theatre Company is thrilled to present Peter Panto and the Incredible Stinkerbell this festive season. Written, directed and starring …
Review: Aganeza Scrooge, Tron Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The perfect defrost for even the coldest of humbug hearts, audiences can’t help but be captured by the charm of this hilarious festive tale.