⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After a pandemic-induced hiatus leaving the Tron stage pantoless for three years, Johnny McKnight returns triumphant with a madcap journey down the yellow brick road that is the perfect tonic for these uncertain times. …
Review: Peter Pan and Wendy, Pitlochry Festival Theatre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bringing the magic of J.M. Barrie’s story to life in this exciting new adaptation for Pitlochry Festival Theatre, this festive offering is a real gift for Perthshire this Christmas. Staging Barrie’s classic story just …
Gallery: Peter Pan and Wendy, Pitlochry Festival Theatre
Pitlochry Festival Theatre have today released production images for the premiere of Peter Pan and Wendy, Janys Chambers’ magical new festive adaptation of J.M. Barrie classic novel Peter Pan. The images feature cast members Fiona Wood, Robbie Scott, Colin McCredie, Deridre Davis; Patricia Panther, Ruairidh McDonald; Stephanie Payne, Euan Bennet and Delme Thomas. One …
Pitlochry Festival Theatre to spread festive joy with magical new adaptation of Peter Pan and Wendy
Pitlochry Festival Theatre is excited to announce that it will be taking audiences on a magical journey to Neverland when it premieres Peter Pan and Wendy, a magical new adaptation of J.M. Barrie classic novel Peter Pan over the festive season. …
Capital Theatres announces Youth Advisory Board
STATEMENT FROM CAPITAL THEATRES Capital Theatres have established a Youth Advisory Board who, working with the staff and the primary board, will support audience development and diversification, challenge the received wisdom of the organisation, encourage …
Stellar Quines, in association with the Traverse Theatre, launch new Quines Cast podcast series
Stellar Quines, in association with the Traverse Theatre, today launch our new podcast series, Quines Cast. Created to bring together intersectional feminist thought, music, theatre and literature. Across the series, a wide range of contributors with …
Review: Sister Act, King’s Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Praise the Lord! Glasgow’s prayers have been answered as Sister Act descended from on high for a feel-good evening that’s sure to lift the winter blues. Deloris Van Cartier, a lounge singer, is placed into hiding …
Review: Pride & Prejudice* (*sort of), King’s Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After whirlwind success resulting in a stint in London’s West End, Isobel McArthur’s riotous take on the Jane Austen classic makes its way back home to Glasgow in an evening guaranteed to have you …
Accessible performances as panto returns to the Beacon
Inverclyde’s annual pantomime will have accessible performances this year to increase inclusion for those with disabilities and sight and hearing impairments. Still Game stars Jane McCarry and Mark Cox are set to return to the …
Review: Spike, King’s Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In this touching tribute to one of the nation’s finest comedic brains, Ian Hislop and Nick Newman pen an immensely entertaining dive into the rise to fame of Spike Milligan. It’s often the case …