⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ As the nights draw in and snow falls on the streets of Glasgow, the Pavilion Theatre opens its doors with a heartwarming tale of love, laughter and magic! At the heart of the story …
Review: Beauty and the Beast, His Majesty’s Theatre Aberdeen
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Pantoland has been dormant for nearly two years, so what better way to blow off those cobwebs than an all-singing all-dancing extravaganza that’s bound to delight young and old. In the magical world of …
Review: Cinderella, King’s Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Christmas means tinsel, mince pies and pantomime. In Glasgow, after two years locked away, the King’s sprinkles an industrial load of fairy dust this year to make us realise just how much missed we’ve …
Review: Sleeping Beauty, King’s Theatre Edinburgh
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Two years since the curtain fell on pantomime at the King’s Theatre in Edinburgh, throughout the land there will be laughter and tears as Panto returns with a renewed vigour. The triumvirate of panto …
Column: Braw Panto tour kicks off after a tribute to one of Scotland’s greats
I was fortunate enough to attend a remembrance event for Sydney Devine at Glasgow’s Pavilion Theatre last week. Dubbed “Scotland’s Rhinestone Cowboy”, Sydney was undoubtedly one of Scotland’s biggest stars of the late 20th Century. …
Review: Cinderella, Perth Theatre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Breaking out of the virtual confines of last year’s Zoom panto extravaganza, Perth Theatre delights its audience with a modern take on a panto classic. Barrie Hunter has completely reimagined the well-kent story but …
Interview: Barrie Hunter
Perth Theatre’s panto star Barrie Hunter spoke to Braw Theatre in the middle of the run of Oh Yes We Are! A Quest For Long Lost Light And Laughter – a virtual panto-inspired adventure by Perth Theatre.
Review: Oh Yes We Are! A Quest For Long Lost Light And Laughter – Perth Theatre, Online
Despite the new and slightly untested medium to take us there, all the panto essentials are waiting for us and innovative little sparks make for a really immersive experience.
Increased COVID restrictions won’t stop Perth Theatre’s panto-tastic plans for 2020
Perth Theatre panto has vowed that it will still be LIVE and interactive – but online this year… oh, yes it will!
Perth Theatre keeps the panto spirit alive this Christmas
Perth Theatre is keeping the panto spirit alive this Christmas with physically distanced panto promenade – Oh Yes They Are! In line with many other theatres, Perth Theatre has been forced to postpone its traditional …