⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jam packed with something for everyone to enjoy, panto season has well and truly kicked off at Eastwood Park Theatre this Christmas as audiences are transported to the magical land of Oz. Most of …
Review: Jack and the Beanstalk, Perth Theatre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Everyone likes an underdog, whether it’s wee Jack on her adventure up the beanstalk or the brave theatres resisting the big panto corps to do things in-house. Perth Theatre’s winning formula couples a razor-sharp …
Review: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Tron Theatre Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After a pandemic-induced hiatus leaving the Tron stage pantoless for three years, Johnny McKnight returns triumphant with a madcap journey down the yellow brick road that is the perfect tonic for these uncertain times. …
Beacon’s panto cast to kickstart Christmas in Greenock with festive lights switch on
Stars of Inverclyde’s annual pantomime will start the countdown to Christmas next week as they switch on Greenock’s festive lights. Still Game favourites Jane McCarry and Mark Cox and panto stalwart Lee Samuel will all …
Accessible performances as panto returns to the Beacon
Inverclyde’s annual pantomime will have accessible performances this year to increase inclusion for those with disabilities and sight and hearing impairments. Still Game stars Jane McCarry and Mark Cox are set to return to the …
Opinion: Looking ahead to a year of revival
At the time of writing this New Year column, I’ve seen no less than twelve pantomimes and a handful of other shows in the space of just a few weeks – something that was completely …
Review: Cinderella, Eden Court Theatre Inverness
And after a few rubbish years without it, this year’s panto at Inverness’ Eden Court is a hug like no other – it’ll warm you to the core and leave your sides in bits with laughter.
Review: Aladdin, SEC Armadillo Glasgow
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ These days, signing up with the Army could take you to any manner of places. Dealing with floods, the vaccine rollout or on the banks of the River Clyde to save the day in …
Review: Aladdin, Palace Theatre Kilmarnock
Escaping from the Killie cauld, the Palace Theatre becomes Old Peking as a talented cast take us on a panto-tastic trip for all the family.