⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Victor Hugo’s vast tale of faith, love and revolution might be approaching two centuries old but Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s musical adaptation has ensured this timeless tale lives on – breaking box office …
Macrobert Arts Centre
Review: Aladdin, Macrobert Arts Centre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A laugh-a-minute explosion of joy and fun.
Review: Maw Goose, Macrobert Arts Centre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The pantosphere has a new Dame in town as Stirling’s Macrobert Arts Centre catapults Brian James O’Sullivan to stratospheric heights.
Interview: Brian O’Sullivan on Maw Goose, Macrobert Arts Centre
Ahead of opening night of Maw Goose at Macrobert Arts Centre in Stirling, Brian O’Sullivan spoke to Braw Theatre’s editor Fraser MacDonald about Janice, his passion for pantomime and being a theatre geek… How strange …
Coronavirus Update: Macrobert Arts Centre closes until 12th April
STATEMENT FROM MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE – 17th March 2020 In light of the advice issued on Monday 16 March by both the Scottish and UK Governments we have taken the difficult decision to suspend all …
Local singers to take part in Stirling production of Wasteland
When Gary Clarke Company bring Wasteland to Macrobert Arts Centre next week (19 and 20 March) four amateur performers will take to the stage as part of the cast – Paul Docherty (Stirling), George Reid …
The Secret Garden comes to Stirling’s Macrobert Arts Centre
As the leaves reappear on the trees and snowdrops blossom a brand new production of The Secret Garden is coming to Macrobert Arts Centre
Review: Sleepin’ Cutie, Macrobert Arts Centre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In the Johnny McKnight world of panto, anything you knew about a story is left at the auditorium doors. In his latest take on Sleeping Beauty, Sleepin’ Cutie, McKnight delivers a fun-filled, panto-tastic adventure …
Interview: Keith McLeish talks about his Macrobert panto debut
Keith McLeish takes on larger-than-life panto dame Fairy B in Sleepin’ Cutie at Macrobert Arts Centre in Stirling, playing until 31 December. Let’s kick off by taking you back to your first memory of pantomime… …