⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The sign of a great pantomime is leaving with a spring in your step, a song in your heart and enough festive sparkle to fire you into the New Year. This year’s joyous offering …
Ken Alexander
Review: Cinderella, Ayr Gaiety
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A panto that is pure heart and full of festive spirit.
Review: Sleeping Beauty, Ayr Gaiety
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A bold and refreshing take on one of panto’s most loved fairytales.
Review: Jamie and the Unicorn, Ayr Gaiety
⭐️⭐⭐⭐️️️ For the first pantomime back on stage in two years, a completely new story that nobody has ever heard of is a big risk – but Ayr Gaiety is no stranger to taking risks. …
Review: The Signalman, Perth Theatre
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Born from the tragedy of the Tay Rail Bridge disaster, The Signalman is a delicately crafted drama that poignantly marks the long-awaited return of live events to Perth Theatre after 18 months in darkness. …
Interview: Ken Alexander – Director of The Signalman
Just before the curtain lifted at Perth Theatre after 18 months in the dark, we spoke to Director Ken Alexander about the creative process and returning to Perth Theatre with The Signalman. BT: Can you …
Perth pair team up for Dundee disaster play The Signalman
Former Perth Theatre artistic director Ken Alexander is getting together with award-winning Perth actor Tom McGovern for Perth Theatre’s production of The Signalman this September. Running in Perth Theatre from Thursday 23 September until Saturday …
Who will save Ayrshire fae The Scunner That Stole Christmas?
Fresh from the dizzy heights of success with Jack and The Beanstalk, writing duo Ken Alexander and Fraser Boyle bring to life the magical tale of ‘The Scunner That Stole Christmas’.
Opinion: Getting used to the new ‘normal’
As the lockdown continues, our theatres remain firmly closed to the public. It is so often the case that the things we most crave when we can’t have them are those that we take for …