⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John Byrne’s Underwood Lane has been in the pipeline for nearly two decades. Overcoming the final delays of the pandemic, this charming show is worth the wait. With a distinct Byrne flavour, this delightful …
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John Byrne
Exclusive John Byrne art on sale to raise vital Tron Theatre Funds
Tron Theatre and co-producing partners Renfrewshire Leisure should have been presenting the world premiere of John Byrne’s new work, Underwood Lane directed by Andy Arnold this July. The production, a companion piece to The Slab …
Tron Theatre confirms rescheduling of John Byrne’s Underwood Lane
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation and uncertainty around when the UK and Scottish Government position on the movement of people and provision of non-essential services might change, the Tron Theatre, in conjunction with …