⭐️⭐️⭐️ With a devoted following, Heathers the Musical fast cemented its position as a cult classic in London’s West End. Now the musical, based on the 1989 film of the same name, embarks on its …
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News: Heathers: The Musical in cinemas for one night only
West End hit Heathers: The Musical will be coming to cinemas nationwide for a one-night-only special event on 28th March.
Heathers the Musical tour announced – Scottish dates revealed!
Scottish Dates for Heathers UK Tour revealed!
Photo Gallery: Heathers the Musical in rehearsals
Greetings, salutations and welcome to the West End 2021 class of Westerberg High. Leading the cast in the highly celebrated return of Heathers the Musical in the West End is Christina Bennington (Bat Out Of Hell) in the role …