⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The theatre is a place where performers become anyone they want to be. But My Son’s A Queer shows the most moving pieces of theatre take place the person on stage is exactly themselves. …
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Review: Luke Kempner: Macho Macho Man, Edinburgh Fringe, Pleasance Courtyard
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Macho Macho Man follows Luke Kempner’s personal journey from musical theatre star (he appeared in Les Mis, don’t you know…) to father. It’s 2022 and the typical male role model is due a revamp …
Review: Paris: From Piaf to Pop!, Edinburgh Fringe, French Institute in Scotland
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is a melting pot of culture, song and story. In this year’s instalment of Christine Bovill’s legendary Edinburgh turn, the spotlight is on Paris and its evolution of music from …
Editor’s Pick of the Fringe 2022
Braw Theatre editor Fraser MacDonald outlines his top picks of this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe The Edinburgh Festival is nearly upon us – and that means the Fringe is about to kick off too! With …
News: OCD Me at Edinburgh Fringe
Sure, we all get a bit stressed sometimes. We all feel a bit isolated, ashamed, and terrified; convinced that the minutest of our actions may somehow have catastrophic effects on our loved ones… or is …
Opinion: Did this year’s Edinburgh Festival lose its bite?
With the Edinburgh Festivals now wound up for another year, the performing arts in Scotland finally feel on a meaningful road to recovery from COVID. This year’s affair was altogether more subdued – a much …
Opinion: Creatives have been let down by post-Brexit visa arrangements
Leaving the EU will rob us all of innumerable significant opportunities but, for me, this is one of the most saddening. While the campaign for a U-turn on this ridiculous decision continues, we must hold out hope for the future.
Opinion: Don’t forget the forgotten freelancers of the Edinburgh Festival
Squeezing through packed crowds, paying ridiculous prices for a glorified gin and tonic and watching many memorable – not always for the right reason – performances. While it doesn’t always seem so inviting in those …
Scottish Government confirms new group set to deliver Culture Strategy
A new group formed to deliver Scotland’s culture strategy is to meet for the first time. The National Partnership for Culture (NPC) is made up of 14 experts from across Scotland’s culture sector. The group …
Edinburgh Festival Fringe cancelled for first time in 70 year history
The Edinburgh Fringe Society has announced – alongside its sister festivals in Edinburgh – that the Fringe will not go ahead as planned in 2020. The idea of Edinburgh without a Fringe in August is …