⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After whirlwind success resulting in a stint in London’s West End, Isobel McArthur’s riotous take on the Jane Austen classic makes its way back home to Glasgow in an evening guaranteed to have you …
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Christina Gordon
Review: Oh Yes We Are! A Quest For Long Lost Light And Laughter – Perth Theatre, Online
Despite the new and slightly untested medium to take us there, all the panto essentials are waiting for us and innovative little sparks make for a really immersive experience.
New tour dates for The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil
Following the sold-out success of its 2019 tour, John McGrath’s legendary The Cheviot, The Stag, and the Black Black Oil returns for a new Scottish tour in 2020. One of the country’s most iconic and influential plays, The …