⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This ragged rabble from Stornoway whip the Glasgow crowd into a frenzy, expertly kicking off the first weekend of Celtic Connections in a way that only they can. Almost unbelievably, these three lads from …
Celtic Connections
Opinion: Our theatres – big and small – need our support
After a mammoth 22 shows, my festive sparkle finally fizzled for another year in Kirkcaldy as my Braw Theatre panto tour came to a close. What better way to celebrate that milestone, then, than popping …
Opinion: Is COVID-security a blueprint for normality?
This first proper glimpse at normality for the first time in 16 months means that we could see a meaningful Edinburgh Fringe – and maybe even a return to the glorious world of pantomime that we have all so desperately missed… oh, yes we have!
Opinion: Creatives have been let down by post-Brexit visa arrangements
Leaving the EU will rob us all of innumerable significant opportunities but, for me, this is one of the most saddening. While the campaign for a U-turn on this ridiculous decision continues, we must hold out hope for the future.
Opinion: A Guid New Year for theatre in Scotland
Happy New Year! 2020 is set to be a huge year for the arts in Scotland, with a whole range of events across the country. At a time when the political sphere is becoming bleaker, …