⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In a fitting tribute to the Old Lady of Leven Street before her curtain falls for the final time pre-refurb, Allan Stewart gives the theatre a huge hug with an evening of song and …
Big Variety
Interview: Allan Stewart
Ahead of his Opening Night of the Big, Big Variety Show at Edinburgh’s King’s Theatre, comedian and entertainer Allan Stewart spoken to us about surviving lockdown, poolside sketches with Roses King and returning to the …
Review: Allan Stewart’s Big, Big Variety Show – King’s Theatre, Edinburgh
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Allan Stewart has been entertaining audiences for an incredible 60 years. His wit, charm and talent has – like a fine wine – only got better with age. In what he has now hinted …
Interview: Allan Stewart
This year, Allan Stewart celebrates an incredible 60 years in show business. He took time out of rehearsals for the final series of the Big, Big Variety show to speak to Braw Theatre about this big anniversary.