The madcap musical comedy returns to Glasgow on its world tour in a fresh-faced production energised and entertaining new and old audiences alike.
When frigid newly-engaged couple Brad and Janet burst a tyre, they seek refuge in an old castle. Little they know, the tentative steps they take open up a sordid world ruled by transvestite Frank-N-Furter and his gaggle of creepy cronies.
Rocky Horror has gained its cult following in no small part to audience participation. From the moment the lights dim, Glasgow proves its ready to party. A deafening roar greets its opening bars and doesn’t let up.
This larger-than-life musical is jam-packed with laughs and innuendo. A sexed up party that gets rowdier as time passes, Brad and Janet soon lose their inhibitions at around the same time the production loses its plot.
It’s a joyful evening of ridiculous excess – led in riotous craziness by Stephen Webb as Frank-N-Furter. His accent might wander a little, but Webb leads with an assured gusto that emits screams of delight from his assembled admirers.
Ore Oduba is the only headliner to grace the Rocky Horror poster but he earns his place confidently. He plays the anxious Brad in a delightfully understated way, showcasing a stellar vocal throughout.
And Oduba is far from the only star of this show. His opposite number, Hayley Flaherty, plays sickly-sweet Janet with all the innocence it needs to keep the balance right. It’s a joy to watch the pair throughout.

Stealing the limelight in a show full of leads is Narrator Philip Franks, with razor sharp quips and a book full of filth for his Glasgow audience. Franks holds himself with all the grace and decorum of a true thespian, but don’t be fooled – he’s the most foul mouthed of them all!

Front and centre of Rocky Horror is Richard O’Brien’s music. Few other musical productions can near-guarantee a standing ovation (or maybe rather a dance-along) during the first Act. Whether you’re doing the ‘Time Warp’, whooping along to ‘Sweet Transvestite’ or rocking out to ‘Hot Patootie’ in honour of the late Meatloaf, you’ll be hard-pressed to shake this catchy score from your head.
This extraordinary experience – far more immersive than the average touring musical – is utterly captivating. It would be impossible to imagine what else could conjure such a strong reaction on a gloomy January evening.
Rocky Horror Show at King’s Theatre, Glasgow until Saturday 5th February 2022